Kids Singing

Learning to sing is an excellent way to discover musical knowledge both theoretical and historical, without having to sit down to a long session of studying huge texts.  In learning to sing, students experience empathy and emotional intent in communication skills when preparing to assume a character role and performance techniques that build confidence across all aspects of life, both social and academic.

Students gain access to a world of history and culture not often included in the primary school syllabus. Folklore, fantasy and fun drive the lessons with diverse music ranging from comedy, tragedy and even the absurd in musical theatre to light hearted art songs and devastatingly beautiful baroque, renaissance and lieder.

In order to maintain the voice for life it is very important to learn how to use the muscles in the throat (and rest of the body) and why they work the way they do. Armed with this knowledge students and parents can navigate the tricky paths of repertoire (song choice) both modern and classical to ensure no young voice is pushed past its limits or damaged. Sadly, there is an epidemic of young voice damage nowadays, often through no fault of the student, due to a lack of biomechanical and anatomical knowledge.

Our singing lessons provide a safe environment for children to discover their voice, guided by a vocal professional, trained in vocal health at the Conservatorio Santa Cecilia in Roma (conservatorium in Rome,) forming healthy habits from the very beginning, so that they can continue singing as long as they want to.